Tallahassee, FL: Today Senator Erin Grall filed SB476 that could allow individuals to bring wrongful death lawsuits against health care providers who offer reproductive healthcare, including abortion. Below is Representative Eskamani’s statement in response.
There is only one purpose for providing the opportunity to bring civil suits against abortion providers solely for providing necessary care — and that reason is to restrict access to abortion in our state. This is another extreme bill that will open up the door for abusers to go after their partners who seek abortion care, will push more doctors out of their professions, and create a legal framework that will absolutely be used to target pregnant people and their loved ones. Florida already has a six week abortion ban about to be placed in effect; we do not need more out-of-touch policies that politicalize reproductive care. I’m sad to say that some Democrats thought filing an amendment similar to this bill last session would help stop changes to Florida’s tort laws. Let me be clear that regardless of who has filed this legislation past, present, or future — it is a bad bill that should never become law.