World Mental Health Day serves as a global reminder of the importance of mental health and well-being in our lives. Mental health is not a topic to be confined to one day, but this special day allows us to come together as a community, raise awareness, and emphasize the significance of mental health care. In recent years, the conversation surrounding mental health has gained momentum, thanks to increased awareness and destigmatization efforts.

Central Florida boasts a robust network of mental health providers, offering a range of services to address various mental health needs. Whether you or a loved one are struggling with anxiety, depression, stress, or any other mental health concern, there are organizations and professionals dedicated to providing support and guidance. See below for a list of local mental health providers in Central Florida:

  1. The Hope Center for Counseling and Wellness –
  2. Aspire Health Partners –
  3. UCF Psychological Services Center –
  4. Mental Health Association of Central Florida –
  5. Lakeside Behavioral Healthcare –
  6. Florida Hospital Center for Behavioral Health –
  7. Orange County Crisis Center – 
  8. NAMI of Greater Orlando –
  9. The Center Orlando – 
  10. Everyone’s Counseling Center –
  11. Foresight Mental Health –
  12. Coastal Mental Health Center –
  13. Zebra Youth –
  14. Peer Support Space –
  15. The Bros in Convo Initiative –

This World Mental Health Day, let us reaffirm our commitment to mental health awareness and support. Central Florida’s mental health providers stand ready to assist those in need, and it’s essential to take advantage of these resources when necessary. Together, as a community, we can work towards better mental health for all and create a brighter and more resilient future.