October marks the annual observance of National Bullying Prevention Month, a time when communities nationwide unite to make a powerful statement against bullying. By fostering a culture of respect and empathy in our homes, schools, workplaces, and communities, we can all play a role in preventing bullying and supporting those affected by it. 

National Bullying Prevention Month began in October 2006 and was established as a nationwide campaign to raise awareness about the prevalence and harmful effects of bullying and to promote bullying prevention efforts in schools and communities. This month is dedicated to addressing the issue of bullying and fostering a culture of kindness and respect. Schools, parents, and communities play crucial roles in creating a safe and supportive environment for students, fostering resilience, and providing resources for those who have experienced bullying to heal and thrive in the long run.

At Team Anna, we denounce any type of bullying, harassment, and hatred towards one another and support those who have been affected with love, care, and strength. There are already non-profit organizations in the Central Florida community that are committed to preventing bullying. See below for groups and nonprofits that leading the charge against bullying: 

  • Peer Support Space:  Peer Support Space of Central Florida is an organization that strives to help individuals who are navigating mental illness, substance misuse,  neurodivergence disability, grief, trauma, and other mental wellness challenges. PSS caters to individuals from all backgrounds and supports its community through peer-led recovery resources.  
  • Mental Health Association of Central Florida: MHACF is a community-based advocate for the needs of individuals suffering from mental illness and strives to promote the mental health of all by providing services, resources, and referrals for professional help.
  • NAMIGO: NAMI is a national nonprofit serving Greater Orlando that seeks to improve individuals suffering from mental illness by improving their quality of life through education, support, and advocacy. It works with the community to break the stigma of mental health. 
  • Stand Up Orlando: Stand Up Orlando is a campaign and program formed by Mayor Dyer that seeks to make the community a safe place of acceptance and respect through the commitment to prevent bullying at schools.
  • Zebra Youth: Zebra Youth is an organization in Central Florida that provides services to LGBTQ+ youth (ages 13-24) facing homelessness, bullying, isolation, and sexual and drug abuse through individualized programs that aid with recovery and stability. 
  • Holocaust Memorial Resource & Education Center of Florida: The Upstanders Program seeks to teach the young about becoming Upstanders of bullying to make their school a safe and respectful space in Schools, including Orange, Seminole, Osceola, and Brevard counties.
  • Orlando Youth Alliance: A peer-to-peer support group for LGBTQ youth in Central Florida that offers cultural classes, scholarships, career exploration, and mental health referrals.