Dear Friend,

Last week, I heard news of a Republican plot to attack me and the incredible movement that we are building together.

Their plan? To go after not only me, but my twin sister, too. 

My twin sister, Ida, and I have lived together for our entire lives. We shared a room until we were 13 and attended the University of Central Florida together. The only time we’ve lived apart from each other was when she spent a semester away at the Obama Administration’s White House as an intern. (Did I mention Ida is a rock star?)

We’ve been together through thick and thin — and when our Mom passed away in 2004, we became even closer.

Today, we live together with our roommate David in Orlando. And Republicans plan to use that as a reason to attack me.

You see, my sister also works in politics. She’s a public interest lobbyist who advocates for several nonprofit organizations that focus on issues like voting rights, criminal legal system reform, economic justice, the climate crisis, home rule, and immigrant rights. She constantly takes on the special interests as one of the few voices for working people in Tallahassee. She’s a passionate community-builder but, because we live together, Republicans are planning to attack our character and say that she “subsidizes” my “lifestyle.” (Did I mention that we’re renters and I drive a 2016 Honda?)

I expect baseless attacks from Republicans towards me. It’s a new low to smear my sister too. 

Help us fight back against these attacks with a donation today. We need to raise at least another $10,000 to keep up with our summer fundraising goals and ensure we have the resources to respond to smear campaigns. With your support, I know we’ll get there. 

Onward together, 
