HB 6069 would repeal a state law that lets economic development agencies and politically plugged-in businesses negotiate public incentive packages behind closed doors 

Orlando, Fla. – Declaring that Florida taxpayers deserve to know how their money is being spent, State Representative Anna V. Eskamani has filed legislation that would prohibit corporate giveaways from being negotiated in secret.  

HB 6069 would repeal a law that allows corporations like Amazon and others that try to squeeze publicly funded incentive packages out of the State of Florida to hide the details of those discussions for up to two years. 

These so-called “economic development” deals would instead have to be negotiated in broad daylight – where all taxpayers could weigh in and evaluate the proposed agreements for themselves.

“The only one who benefits when an incentive package is negotiated in secret is the big business that is trying to play states and cities against each other and win the most lopsided deal it can,” Eskamani said.“Transparency is the cornerstone of good government – especially when we’re talking about giving away Floridians’ hard-earned dollars. If Amazon or anyone else thinks they deserve public money, they can make their case to the public in the sunshine.”
