This week, Representative Anna V. Eskamani received recognition for her leadership in championing policy that benefits everyday people and in challenging corporate special interests in the State Legislature.

This recognition took take shape in two ways.

First, the Florida For All Corporate Greed Report investigates millions in corporate campaign contributions to Governor DeSantis and his legislative allies and the impact that corporate influence has on the lives of Floridians. This report found that legislative leadership spent most of the 2024 Legislative Session passing policies that benefit only the mega-wealthy at the expense of everyday Floridians. The Heroes and Zeroes scorecard exposes many of the corporations and billionaires behind the laws, and ranks Florida legislators based on how they voted on the corporate-backed legislation featured in the report.

Representative Eskamani received a 100% score as a Hero for fighting corporate greed, being dubbed a Superhero for the people of Florida.

The second recognition came from Progress Florida and Florida Watch. Each year these organizations produce and release a Report Card that ranks how lawmakers by the votes they take on specific bills. You can learn more at

Here, Representative Eskamani again received a 100% score, and an A+ report grade. 

Representative Eskamani is proud to be an advocate for everyday people, and do challenge corporate greed in the State Legislature.