“Florida and Texas have been home to some of the most horrific mass shootings in American history and have both experienced far too much of the everyday violence that is tearing apart families and traumatizing our children. Yet legislatures in both states have refused to act, and have even further weakened their gun laws by passing reckless bills like permitless carry. It’s time for a change—we know that in the face of tragedy, we must act. That’s why GIFFORDS PAC is proud to endorse strong slates of candidates running for their respective state legislatures today who will take meaningful action to save lives. We believe change can happen if we have the right people in power, which is why we must send these committed gun safety champions to office in Austin and Tallahassee,” said former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords.
“Moms, parents, and families across the nation are joining MomsRising in saying we are ready to Mom the Vote for child care. We will only end the child care crisis that is costing families, businesses, and our economy so dearly if we elect leaders with a real commitment to finding solutions,” said MomsRising Executive Director and CEO Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner. “We applaud Rep. Eskamani, and every candidate who has earned the Child Care Seal of Approval. Our future really is in their hands.”
“On behalf of the thousands of instructional personnel represented by the Orange County Classroom Teachers Association, it is our honor to endorse your candidacy for HD42. As our endorsee, we believe that you share our goals to fight to strengthen public schools, improve employees’ working conditions and salaries, and work to make sure we have the tools and resources needed to ensure student success.”
“The Florida Democratic Progressive Caucus is proud to endorse you in your re-election! Thank you for unwavering support of everyday people and the working class.”
“We recognize that you are invested in fighting for authentic democracy in our communities and will continue to advocate for housing, education, healthcare, and criminal justice systems that work for everyone. Our members lead our endorsement process to ensure that our support is a reflection of the will of the communities that we seek to serve. After reintroducing our members to our champions seeking re-election, the member-led committee has concluded that you remain a great fit for Florida Rising’s endorsement.”
“Thank you for your commitment to our community and your commitment to championing LGBTQ people and our families.”
“We recognize that you are invested in fighting for an authentic democracy in our communities and will continue to advocate for housing, education, healthcare, and criminal justice systems that work for everyone. As a united voice for Florida’s most underrepresented communities, the Florida for All coalition believes in an equitable state that fights against bigotry, xenophobia, and hatred and promotes a fair economy where everyone can thrive.”
“We our proud to endorse Anna V. Eskamani again for her 2024 campaign and am proud of all she’s accomplished in the Florida House.”
“The Federation of Manufactured Home Owners of Florida Inc., (FMO) endorses your candidacy and we look forward to your re-election to the Florida House of Representatives. Please be assured that FMO will do everything within our authority to provide support to you from our members.”
The Florida Planned Parenthood PAC is proud to endorse Representative Anna V. Eskamani. Representative Eskamani has championed reproductive rights since her first days in the State Legislature and fought against Florida’s near total abortion ban. We need her voice back in the Florida House.
“Ruth’s List is proud to lend its sought after “seal of approval” to an incredible group of Democratic women seeking re-election to state legislative offices. These legislators are the front-line fighters on issues that matter most to Florida families: reproductive choice, health care, education and protecting Florida’s environment. Our Democratic pro-choice women state representatives work tirelessly to protect our rights and bring progress to our state. They’ve had our backs time and again — now it’s time for us to have theirs.”
“The Florida Asian American Justice Alliance (FAAJA) announces its first 2024 FAAJA Florida Favorites endorsement of The Honorable Anna V. Eskamani for reelection to Florida House District 42. Since her first election in 2018, Representative Eskamani has worked tirelessly to serve all her constituents, the state of Florida, and our nation. FAAJA and many other organizations have recognized Anna’s countless accomplishments and endless energy.”
“The Central Labor Council has determined that your candidacy best represents the interests of working families in your race! An Endorsement from the AFL-CIO carries with it the support of all its members affiliates: Custodians & Teachers, Electricians & Painters, Cooks & Housekeepers, and many more. We look forward to helping you win your race, and we hope to continue working with you in the future to keep fighting for social and economic justice for all Central Florida’s working families.”
“At SEIU, we are committed to uniting workers to improve the quality of their lives, the services they provide and the communities in which they live and work. We believe you share a common vision for Florida and the nation- one in which racial justice and the ability to join together in union is central to working families having economic security, rights and a legacy for the next generation.”
“The Democratic Environmental Caucus of Florida is grateful for Representative Eskamani’s leadership on environmental conservation, sustainable energy policy, and climate action. We are proud to support her on her re-election bid.”
Speaking about the endorsements, genCLEO Action’s Executive Director, Yoca Arditi-Rocha, said, “Hurricane Helene is yet another stark reminder of the climate crisis we’re facing, and it’s clear that we can’t afford leaders who deny science or delay action any longer. We must elect climate champions in Florida who are committed to protecting our communities, not the fossil fuel industry. But it’s not the only issue at stake. Protecting abortion rights and our wildlife are also part of the solution. When we protect women’s rights and nature, we build stronger, healthier communities. Florida needs leaders who understand that these issues are connected. Young people get it, and they’re calling for bold leadership. Our youth are stepping up because they understand that their future is on the line. They’re calling on our leaders to lead with urgency in this election—to prioritize climate solutions, safeguard lives, and ensure a sustainable future. This election, we must vote for leaders who will fight for our rights, our environment, and our future.”
“Florida’s Management Professionals recommend Representative Anna V. Eskamani for the Florida House.”

Mark Hamill: “May the force be with you, Anna”

“We commend you on your willingness to run for and service in public office, and because of that, the Florida Professional Firefighters wish to endorse and support your campaign for re-election in Florida House of Representatives, District 47. We believe that you will continue to honorably serve the citizens of Florida, and the interests of the men and women employed in the Fire and Emergency Medical Services, who made the protection of life and property their life’s work.”
Anna was a leading voice in Florida’s firefighters gaining cancer presumptive coverage in Florida, and is a passionate supporter of firefighters access to strong pensions and mental health resources.
“I am proud to support Representative Anna V. Eskamani in her re-election bid! I have known her for years, since before she was elected. And she has always been a strong advocate for Florida’s working families and small businesses too.” — Congressman Darren Soto
The Florida Planned Parenthood PAC today announced its first slate of legislative endorsements for Florida’s critically important 2022 midterm election and is proud to endorse Representative Anna V. Eskamani. The endorsements come following passage earlier this year of Florida’s 15-week abortion ban (HB 5). Moreover, the landmark Roe v. Wade is in jeopardy of being overturned by the United States Supreme Court.
“If there was ever a time to send abortion rights champions to Tallahassee, that time is now,” said Laura Goodhue, Director of the Florida Planned Parenthood PAC. “By electing these candidates, Floridians will make clear that the attacks on the fundamental freedom to control our own bodies and our own futures must end.”
“Orlando YIMBY membership unanimously voted to endorse Representative Anna V. Eskamani, citing your championing of critical housing issues like TDT flexibility for affordable housing, protecting the Sadowski Fund and more.”
“Florida Conservation Voters is proud to announce our first endorsement of the 2022 election cycle, Representative Anna V. Eskamani! Anna is a true champion of Florida’s environment and one of the strongest voices for climate action and water quality (and especially our tortoises and turtles!) in Florida.”
“On behalf of the thousands of instructional personnel represented by the Orange County Classroom Teachers Association, it is our honor to endorse your candidacy for HD42. As our endorsee, we believe that you share our goals to fight to strengthen public schools, improve employees’ working conditions and salaries, and work to make sure we have the tools and resources needed to ensure student success.”
“We our proud to endorse Anna V. Eskamani again for her 2022 campaign.”
“The Florida Democratic Public Education Caucus is proud to endorse you in your re-election! Thank you for unwavering support of public education, teachers, parents and students.”
“We are proud to support your campaign’s efforts to further the cause of equality for all Floridians.”
“The Brady Florida Chapters are pleased to announce our endorsement of your candidacy for Florida House District 42. We appreciate your strong support for gun reform laws to reduce firearm injuries and deaths. Thank you for working to protect Florida’s children, families, and communities from gun violence. We look forward to our partnership as we work with you to reduce gun violence and create a safer Florida.”
“Ruth’s List is proud to lend its sought after “seal of approval” to an incredible group of Democratic women seeking re-election to state legislative offices. These legislators are the front-line fighters on issues that matter most to Florida families: reproductive choice, health care, education and protecting Florida’s environment. “Our Democratic pro-choice women state representatives work tirelessly to protect our rights and bring progress to our state. They’ve had our backs time and again — now it’s time for us to have theirs,” said Lucy Sedgwick, president and CEO of Ruth’s List Florida.”
“I support Anna not just because I love her, and because she rocks in every way, but because it is leaders like Anna who will stop this political effort to take us back to laws that we fought so hard to come out from. We need State Representative who are people-centered, who care about reforming the criminal legal system and who work with others to get things done.” — State Attorney for the Ninth Judicial Circuit Court Monique H. Worrell
“It is with great pleasure that we extend to you the endorsement and support of the members of the Service Employees International Union of Florida to your campaign for State House. With over 2 million members nationwide, SEIU is North America’s largest and fastest growing union. We are committed to uniting workers to improve the quality of their lives, the services they provide and the communities in which they live and work. We believe you share a common vision for Florida and the nation.” –SEIU Florida
“Anna is more than an ally. She is an accomplice and advocates for LGBTQ+ Floridians in every sense of the word. We need her passion, vision and talent in Tallahassee now more than ever, which is why Equality Florida Action PAC is proud to endorse her.”
“We are proud to endorse Rep. Eskamani for HD42! As a two-term champion of diverse communities, we know Anna will continue to push back against bills that strip away students’ rights.”
“The Central Labor Council has determined that your candidacy best represents the interests of working families in your race! An Endorsement from the AFL-CIO carries with it the support of all its members affiliates: Custodians & Teachers, Electricians & Painters, Cooks & Housekeepers, and many more. We look forward to helping you win your race, and we hope to continue working with you in the future to keep fighting for social and economic justice for all Central Florida’s working families.”
“Florida NOW (National Organization for Women) is proud to endorse you in your re-election. Thank you for your never ending support and advocacy for gender equity!”
‘We are pleased to inform you that the Sierra Club has endorsed your candidacy for the 2022 election cycle in Florida House District 42. The Sierra Club endorsement means a lot to our members and supporters in your district and to the general voting public. Our endorsement sends a message of your strong support for the environment and your proven track record in environmental issues.”
“A lifelong Floridian, Rep. Eskamani has been a leader in the fight for abortion access, equality for all, housing affordability, and public education. We at Emily’s List are excited to see what Eskamani accomplishes next in Tallahassee.”
“On behalf of our members across the country and in your community, we are pleased to inform you that the Humane Society Legislative Fund has endorsed you! Thank you for championing animal welfare.”
“Thank you Representative Anna V. Eskamani for your steadfast commitment to reducing gun violence in our state!”
“We are pleased to announce that you have received the endorsement of the political action committee of the National Association of Social Workers – Florida Chapter (NASW- FL PACE: Political Action for Candidate Election) for your 2022 election campaign. NASW-FL represents approximately 4,200 professional social workers in the state of Florida. We are committed to promoting and advocating for the profession statewide. We also support and advocate on behalf of Florida families for accessible and affordable services in health care, behavioral mental health care, child welfare, school safety and social justice issues. We look forward to working with you to advance our shared legislative priorities on behalf of social workers and the communities we serve.”

We are proud to announce the endorsement of Orlando City Commissioner Bakari Burns! Commissioner Burns has served Central Florida as the CEO of Orange Blossom Family Health since 2003. First elected to the City Commission in 2020, Commissioner Burns has a long history of serving the city in other capacities and advocating for everyday people. We are proud to have his endorsement!
The first bill Representative Eskamani filed as a freshman lawmaker was the repeal of DOMA, and this year she has filed legislation to ban LGBTQ discrimination in any school that receives public funds. “Thank you for your commitment to our community and your commitment championing LGBTQ people and our families,” said Joe Saunders, Senior Political Director at Equality Florida.
We are proud to announce the early endorsement of the Florida Education Association for our 2020 re-election campaign! Representing more than 140,000 members and founded in 1886, the Florida Education Association is the state’s leading advocate for public education and student success. Anna is a proud graduate of Orange County Public Schools, and since her first days in Tallahassee she has been fighting to enhance and protect public education.
“The Midwives Association of Florida is pleased to inform you that the Association has endorsed your candidacy for election in the November 2020 general election. We take this action based upon your legislative record, your interest in health care issues, and trust that in the future you will continue to be open to discussions about our Association issues.”
“We need elected officials who will stand up for the safety of our communities, fight back against the NRA’s dangerous agenda, and pass meaningful gun safety legislation. Representative Eskamani will do just that.”
“I am pleased to inform you that the Sierra Club has endorsed your candidacy for the 2020 election
cycle in Florida House District 47 in appreciation of your demonstrated commitment to protecting
the environment. The Sierra Club endorsement means a lot to our members and supporters in your district and to
the general voting public. Our endorsement sends a message of your strong support for the
environment and your proven track record in environmental issues.”
Representative Eskamani was the only State Legislator to receive a 100% voting record approval from the Sierra Club.
“We are happy to inform you that your campaign has been awarded the 2020 Moms Demand Action Gun Sense Candidate distinction. Thank you again for advocating for gun violence prevention and making a commitment to govern with gun safety in mind.
Moms Demand Action is part of Everytown for Gun Safety, and is the nation’s largest grassroots volunteer network working to end gun violence in America. With nearly six million supporters and volunteer chapters in every state, Moms Demand Action campaigns for new and stronger solutions to lax gun laws and loopholes that jeopardize the safety of our families.”
Representative Eskamani has been a leading voice against the gun lobby in Tallahassee and has sponsored legislation two years in a row to keep guns out of the hands of domestic abusers.
“We commend you on your willingness to run for and service in public office, and because of that, the Florida Professional Firefighters wish to endorse and support your campaign for re-election in Florida House of Representatives, District 47. We believe that you will continue to honorably serve the citizens of Florida, and the interests of the men and women employed in the Fire and Emergency Medical Services, who made the protection of life and property their life’s work.”
Anna was a leading voice in Florida’s firefighters gaining cancer presumptive coverage in Florida, and is a passionate supporter of firefighters access to strong pensions and mental health resources.
“People For the American Way is proud to endorse Representative Anna V. Eskamani as a candidate who continues to build a democratic society that implements the ideals of freedom, equality, opportunity and justice for all.”

“We are honored to endorse Representative Anna V. Eskamani for Florida House District 47. As a sister-in-arms with our communities throughout her tenure in office, we are thrilled to endorse her re-election bid and look forward to continuing our fight together in Tallahassee.”
“An Orlando native born to Iranian immigrants, Anna has exemplified hard work her entire life, from serving as a senior director for Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida to her current role as hardworking state representative. Anna is a known advocate for women’s health and equality and will continue to be a unifying leader for Florida. EMILY’s List is excited to support her campaign for House District 47,” said Geri Prado, vice president of state and local campaigns at EMILY’s List.
“Your bid for reelection in 2020 has been officially endorsed by the AFL-CIO! Upon reviewing your questionnaire and screening interview, our Central Labor Council and the Florida AFL-CIO Committee on Political Education has determined that your candidacy best represents the interests of working families in your race. An Endorsement from the AFL-CIO carries with it the support of all its members affiliates: Custodians & Teachers, Electricians & Painters, Cooks & Housekeepers, and many more. We look forward to helping you win your race and we hope to continue working with you in the future to keep fighting for social and economic justice for all Central Florida’s working families.”
“On behalf of the thousands of instructional personnel represented by the Orange County Classroom Teachers Association, it is my honor to endorse your candidacy for the Florida House of Representatives District 47 seat. As our endorsee, we believe that you share our goals to fight to strengthen public schools, improve employees’ working conditions and salaries, and work to make sure we have the tools
and resources needed to ensure student success.”
“In Run For Something’s efforts to create a party that reflects the changing face of our electorate, we decided to focus on every candidate who wanted to run for a down-ballot seat, not just candidates who meet the standard “viability” test, aka how much money they’ve raised or what Congressional offices they’ve interned at . We know that type of prioritization wouldn’t allow us to embody our core values and our proud to endorse Anna V. Eskamani again for her 2020 campaign.”
“Way to Lead PAC exists to ensure that organized communities have candidate champions who, once elected, govern to make real changes and push the boundaries of what has been politically possible.”
“Ruth’s List is proud to lend its sought after “seal of approval” to an incredible group of Democratic women seeking re-election to state legislative offices. These legislators are the front-line fighters on issues that matter most to Florida families: reproductive choice, health care, education and protecting Florida’s environment.”
“It is with great pleasure that we extend to you the endorsement and support of the members of the Service Employees International Union of Florida to your campaign for House District 47. With 2.1 million members nationwide, SEIU is North America’s largest and fastest growing union. In Florida, SEIU represents over 55,000 retired and active members.Our members provide vital services to communities across Florida in the healthcare, public and property sectors. They are school support staff, adjunct professors, airport workers, county and municipal workers. They are CNAs, nurses and doctors in Florida’s nursing homes and hospitals, and they are janitors, landscapers and security officers. We are committed to uniting workers to improve the quality of their lives, the services they provide and the communities in which they live and work. We believe you share a common vision for Florida and the nation – one in which racial justice and the ability to join together in union is central to working families having economic security, rights and a legacy for the next generation.”
“As people in public service, we know what a difference it makes when we elect leaders who have our backs. We deserve leaders who respect our work and that’s why we fight. We’re proud to endorse Rep. Anna V. Eskamani in her re-election bid and know that she is fighting for us every single day.”
“Representative Anna V. Eskamani is the fierce advocate Florida needs to protect our rivers, lakes, and remarkable natural beauty. She understands the importance of our environment to our quality of life and economy. She’s been a leading voice for clean, renewable energy for the state and understands the urgency of taking action for the environment now. The members of Florida Conservation Voters are proud to endorse her again, in 2020.”
“United for Progress is proud to endorse Representative Anna V. Eskamani and know that she will be a good asset to the hispanic community.”
“We are honored to endorse Representative Anna V. Eskamani for Florida House District 47. As a sister-in-arms with our communities throughout her tenure in office, we are thrilled to endorse her re-election bid and look forward to continuing our fight together in Tallahassee.”

“Recent victories in Florida and around the country show that voters are eager for strong progressives to lead with our shared values. The DPCF offers endorsements in races from US Congress to city commission to highlight those progressive Democrats who will represent the interests of everyday Floridians and not just the fortunate few.”
The Laborers’ International Union of North America – is a powerhouse of workers who are proud to build the United States and Canada. A half-million strong, we are united through collective bargaining agreements which help us earn family-supporting pay, good benefits and the opportunity for advancement and better lives. Local 517 is proud to endorse Representative Anna V. Eskamani in her re-election campaign.
“You will not find a stronger supporter of LGBTQ+ equality then Representative Anna V. Eskamani, and the Rainbow Democrats of Orlando are honored to endorse her.”
Organize Florida is a movement of community leaders coming together to fight for real, lasting change across the state of Florida. We are proud to endorse Representative Anna V. Eskamani.
National Association of Social Workers (NASW) PACE Committee members are well aware of your amazing advocacy work for our state, and we are proud to endorse you!

Endorsed by President Barack Obama
44th President of the United States, former United States Senator from Illinois, former Illinois State Senator As a former state legislator himself, President Obama recognizes the importance of electing strong leaders at the state level. 2008 was also the first election that Anna ever voted in, and our 44th President inspires her each day to be a compassionate and bold leader for our community, and to fight for Florida’s hard working families.

Endorsed by President Barack Obama
44th President of the United States, former United States Senator from Illinois, former Illinois State Senator
As a former state legislator himself, President Obama recognizes the importance of electing strong leaders at the state level. 2008 was also the first election that Anna ever voted in, and our 44th President inspires her each day to be a compassionate and bold leader for our community, and to fight for Florida’s hard working families.

U.S. Congresswoman Val Demings
Florida’s 10th Congressional District
“Anna’s leadership and life-long commitment to empowering her community, whether it’s as an educator at the University of Central Florida or as an advocate of women’s health with Planned Parenthood, are unmatched in this race. Her passion for turning advocacy into action has inspired a wave of grassroots support because she not only shares their values but vows to protect them. Now more than ever, Tallahassee needs bold leaders like Anna who will fight for hardworking families. I am proud to endorse Anna Eskamani for State House District 47.”
U.S. Congresswoman Stephanie Murphy
Florida’s 7th Congressional District “I am excited and proud to support Anna in her bid to serve the people of House District 47. I have seen Anna in action and she is a proven effective advocate. She is a strong and empathetic leader, who is fighting to ensure the safety and security of our community and to hold our state government accountable. This community deserves a State Representative who will always put people over politics, and that’s why I will do whatever it takes to make sure we elect Anna in 2018.”

U.S. Congresswoman Stephanie Murphy
Florida’s 7th Congressional District
“I am excited and proud to support Anna in her bid to serve the people of House District 47. I have seen Anna in action and she is a proven effective advocate. She is a strong and empathetic leader, who is fighting to ensure the safety and security of our community and to hold our state government accountable. This community deserves a State Representative who will always put people over politics, and that’s why I will do whatever it takes to make sure we elect Anna in 2018.”

Orlando City Commissioner Patty Sheehan
District 4 City Commissioner and Central Florida’s First Openly-LGBTQ Elected Official
“I heartily endorse Anna for House District 47 in the Florida Legislature. This Central Florida seat is an important partner with the City of Orlando. Anna will provide passionate, principled, and progressive leadership, a role she is perfect for.” “Respiro profundamente a Anna por el Distrito 47 de la Casa de la Legislatura de Florida. Este asiento de Florida Central es un socio importante con la Ciudad de Orlando. Anna proporcionará un liderazgo apasionado, de principios y progresista, un papel para el que es perfecta.”
Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer
Former State Senator, 1992-2002 “There’s no doubt that Anna truly represents the Democratic Party’s future. She is a rising star in Florida politics and in our community. She works hard each day to deliver results and gets things done for the people of Florida. I have full confidence that we will be in good hands with Anna Eskamani representing us in the Florida Legislature. It is my honor to endorse Anna Eskamani for Florida House District 47.”

Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer
Former State Senator, 1992-2002
“There’s no doubt that Anna truly represents the Democratic Party’s future. She is a rising star in Florida politics and in our community. She works hard each day to deliver results and gets things done for the people of Florida. I have full confidence that we will be in good hands with Anna Eskamani representing us in the Florida Legislature. It is my honor to endorse Anna Eskamani for Florida House District 47.”

Mayor Jerry L. Demings
Mayor Demings served as Chief of the Orlando Police Department from 1998-2002, then as Director of Public Safety for Orange County from 2002-2008, before being elected Sheriff of Orange County in 2008, and re-elected for two additional terms. He was elected Orange County Mayor in 2018.
“I have known Anna since her days as an officer of the College Democrats at UCF. That was nearly ten years ago, and it has been incredible to watch her grow into the community leader she is today. Anna is someone who gets it — she works hard, takes time to understand the issues, and is always looking for common ground. She cares deeply about public safety and our first responders too. We will be in good hands with Anna as our next State House Representative.”

“We are proud to endorse Anna Eskamani because we believe she is willing to do the hard work
and make the difficult decisions necessary to implement public safety reforms that will improve the
safety of our children and staff at schools, improve mental health support and promote responsible
firearms ownership.
As the families of the victims in Parkland, we look forward to working together with Anna
Eskamani and other elected officials on the state and federal levels to prevent tragedies like ours
from happening in the future.”
Stand With Parkland
“Anna V. Eskamani has been endorsed by Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund, for standing up for gun violence prevention and recognizing gun safety.”
Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund
“America experienced three of the deadliest mass shootings in modern history in just the past year. Over 38,000 people in our country were killed by a gun in 2016. Florida has suffered from this crisis: somebody is killed by a gun in Florida every 3 hours. Despite this devastating reality, the gun lobby continues to use its cash and influence to try and stop state legislatures from passing laws to make our schools, streets, and communities safer. We are endorsing Anna V. Eskamani for Florida House 47 today, to acknowledge the toll of gun violence in their state and that she is working to stop it. Anna’s leadership will be critical for our next victories in Florida to prevent future tragedies. Giffords is proud to endorse Anna V. Eskamani, who has the courage to stand up to the corporate gun lobby and who will never stop working to save lives.”
The gun safety organization founded by former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and Captain Mark Kelly
“We at Emgage PAC are excited to announce that we have endorsed you in your run for the Florida House! We feel you best represent our fight on issues focusing on Civil Liberties, Income Inequality, Healthcare, Immigration Reform, National Security and Climate Change.”
Everglades Trust is proud to endorse Anna V. Eskamani’s election efforts. Each part of our state is unique and important, but as one of the most unique ecosystems on the planet, as well as the source of drinking water for one out of three Floridians, the Everglades, Florida Bay and the northern estuaries are especially vital to keeping the state’s engine running.
Kimberly Mitchell, Executive Director Everglades Trust, Inc.
High School democrats of America Endorses Anna V. Eskamani for Florida House 47
“Clean water is a priority for Anna, and she is the only candidate in House District 47 who hasn’t accepted one dollar from Big Sugar, or the lobbyists who represent them.”
“The Florida Association of School Administrators (FASA) PAC is pleased to endorse your candidacy for the Florida State House of Representatives as the candidate who will represent the best interests of the children of Florida, not only in your district, but throughout the State. On behalf of our almost 5,000 members statewide, including Principals, Assistant Principals, and other school and district-based administrative staff who work hard to ensure the academic achievement of students throughout the great state of Florida, we look forward to your ongoing support throughout your time in office.”
“At Opportunity First, we support young, progressive Democrats who will become the political leaders of our future. Anna Eskamani is passionate about her community and dedicated to creating opportunity for everyone in District 47… “Florida needs Anna’s enthusiasm and problem-solving abilities in the state house, and we are honored to support her campaign for Florida State House District 47.”
State Senator Linda Stewart Endorses Anna V. Eskamani for Florida House 47
“Anna V. Eskamani for Florida House 47 has been given the Women’s March Florida Candidate distinction, for standing up for the rights of women, families, and our communities in Florida.”
“Anna Eskamani has a long history of fighting for all marginalized people, especially LGBTQ communities. She’s the real deal and we can’t think of a better person to represent downtown Orlando, Winter Park and South Orlando’s diverse LGBTQ communities. We need her passion, vision and talent in Tallahassee now more than ever.”
“I deeply admire and respect the work of our public safety workers. Firefighters are real life superheroes, and I am committed to ensuring that all public safety workers and emergency responders are protected with strong pensions, fair wages, and good benefits that include support for PTSD. Firefighters also need legislation that would recognize cancer as an occupational hazard, and I look forward to working across the aisle to ensure cancer benefits to those firefighters afflicted with the disease.”
“The Sunrise Movement is an organization committed to making climate change an urgent priority across America through electing leaders who stand up for the health and wellbeing of all people, while also addressing the deep influence of fossil fuel executives in politics.”
“Vamos4PR is a movement of Puerto Ricans and allies to make sure all Americans are aware of what’s happening in Puerto Rico and why it matters to all people in the US. Anna knows that Puerto Rico can rise from its financial crisis and infrastructure damage, without placing the burden or blame on working families in the island. She will work hard to support Puerto Ricans everywhere.”
“We are pleased to announce the endorsement of Anna V. Eskamani by the Democratic Environmental Caucus of Florida. We appreciate Anna’s commitment to preserve protect and enhance Florida’s natural environment. We will do everything we can to announce that commitment.”
“Anna has been standing up against harmful policies that threaten Central Florida families.”
“Our priorities in races were trying to support young people and trying to support candidates who had messages that support young people. We’re endorsing our own. We want to make sure that people who speak to youth issues get recognized for it. Anna V. Eskamani is dedicated to securing the future of the Florida Democratic Party, and exemplifies our mission of providing county chapters with resources to build stronger young voters. She has dedicated her career to ensuring the education and turnout of youth in local, state, and national elections.”
“Thank you for stepping up to run for Florida House District 47 and for representing our progressive values. We recognize it takes commitment and teamwork to drive a progressive agenda and look forward to working with you to make that a reality.”
“Anna represents the American dream. She grew up in Orlando as a daughter of immigrants, went to public school, and lost her mom to cancer when she was thirteen years old. That loss has shaped her into the authentic, bold, and committed service leader she is today. Florida needs more people like Anna in office, and I know she’ll fight hard for the families of House District 47 and for the families in her state.”
Moms Demand Action announced that Anna V. Eskamani has been given the distinction as a “Gun Sense Candidate” for her race in Florida House District 47. “Reducing and preventing gun violence is a public safety issue, not a political one. Over 35,000 Americans are killed every year by gun violence and thousands more are injured. Responsible gun owners know that supporting the Second Amendment goes hand in hand with common-sense solutions to reduce gun violence. Thank you again for standing up for gun violence prevention and recognizing gun safety.”
“Florida NOW PAC is thrilled to endorse Anna Eskamani for the Florida House District 47. Anna’s drive, talent, and passion shines in every endeavor she undertakes. Florida NOW and Planned Parenthood have formed a cohesive team, in large part due to Anna’s commitment to ensuring all Floridians have full access to reproductive health care. She will be a positive addition to the legislature.”
“I first met Anna in 2012 and have admired her courage and grit since day one. Floridians can trust Anna to be a powerful and effective advocate for them. She is a bold and authentic leader that we can all count on. I am honored to support Anna, and cannot wait to have her as colleague in the Florida House.“
“Anna understands the critical role access to healthcare plays in every family—losing her mother to cancer when she was only 13. Through this tragedy, Anna became a tireless advocate for healthcare for all and will defend and protect reproductive rights for everyone in Florida. It’s a profound honor to endorse reproductive health champion Anna Eskamani.”
The comptroller acts an independent arbiter that monitors county spending and investments. Martha Haynie has really defined the office of the Comptroller, and leaves a legacy of superior stewardship, capability and outstanding public service.
The Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (DLCC) is highlighting Anna Eskamani for Florida House as one of their “18 in 2018” picks!
“My wife Jerol and I consider Anna to be a promise for the future. We have been very impressed with Anna’s advocacy efforts on behalf of our community. Often those elected to office forget why they first sought public office and who they represent. We don’t believe that would be true for Anna. Bright new faces such as hers give me hope for the future.”
“Anna Eskamani is smart as a whip, as energetic as they come, and has a heart the size of a washtub. She wins, WE WIN!”
“I have known Anna for years, and have always respected her hard work and tenacity. She is a fearless leader who cares deeply about our community. As a former State Legislator, I cannot think of someone better to represent us. I am proud to endorse Anna V. Eskamani for Florida House District 47 and will do my part to help her win.”
“It’s my pleasure to endorse Anna Eskamani for State House Representative, District 47. I’ve always been impressed with Anna’s professionalism, strength of character and strong leadership ability. I’m confident she will listen closely to the constituents of District 47 and work hard to address their concerns in Tallahassee. Anna Eskamani is the candidate to vote for District 47 Representative!” – Hon. Daryl Flynn
“My wife and I are proud to support Anna in her run for House District 47. She has proven to be an effective community activist and she will bring a much needed breathe of fresh air to the Legislature advocating for the needs of all generations.”
“I’ve had the pleasure of working with Anna Eskamani since she was a UCF College Democrat. She is an amazing individual who puts all her energy and passion in rolling up her sleeves to fight for community. She is exactly who we need in Tallahassee.” “He tenido el placer de trabajar con Anna Eskamani desde que era un demócrata universitario de UCF. Ella es una persona increíble que pone toda su energía y pasión en enrollar sus mangas para luchar por la comunidad. Ella es exactamente lo que necesitamos en Tallahassee.”
“If you live in Central Florida, be sure to vote for @AnnaForFlorida in HD47. She cares deeply about the greyhounds, and will be a champion for them in Tallahassee!” GREY2K USA WorldWide is an American non-profit organization dedicated to passing stronger greyhound protection laws and ending dog racing. It was founded in March 2001 as Grey2K and changed its name in 2013 to reflect an international focus. ”
“Thank you for working to protect Florida’s children, families and communities from gun violence. We
look forward to our partnership as we work with you to reduce gun violence and bring about a safer
“Anna V. Eskamani has been endorsed for Florida House District 47 by the Florida LGBTA Democratic Caucus, in support of her efforts to further the cause of equality for LGBT Floridians.”
“We are pleased to announce that the National Association of Social Workers, Florida Chapter (NASW-FL) has chosen endorse Anna V. Eskamanai in support of her campaign for House Seat, District 47 of Florida. We have made this endorsement based on your history of support of important social services, and we also advocate on behalf of Florida families for accessible and affordable services in health care, behavioral mental health care, child welfare, school safety and social justice issues.”
“I am proud to endorse Anna Eskamani for Florida State House District 47. Anna is a fighter, always has been — always will be. Anna is for the people, and has earned the support and trust of voters from all political affiliations. I know she will be a strong advocate for issues that impact everyday Floridians, and will redefine what it means to be a public servant.”
John Morgan, Attorney and Co-founder, Morgan & Morgan, P.A.
Anna V. Eskamani is endorsed by the Florida Nurses Political Action Committee.
Anna V. Eskamani is endorsed by the United Faculty of Florida.
“Anna V. Eskamani, a daughter of immigrants, has worked relentlessly her entire life fighting for hard working Florida families and for our environment! A community organizer with a proven track record in building consensus while fighting for progressive values, Anna served as the Senior Director of Public Affairs and Communications for Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida. Anna is also a PhD student in Public Affairs at the University of Central Florida and serves as an Adjunct Professor teaching Intro to Women’s Studies. A fierce protector of our natural resources for the last eight years, Anna helped to get Amendment 1 on the ballot back in 2014, and has signed pledges to not take one penny from fossil fuel companies and big sugar. “
“At EveryDistrict, we believe that Democrats can run competitive campaigns in every district at the state level. We are excited to support honor and her efforts to flip House District 47.”
“The hard working men and women of the Communications Workers of America, Local 3108, have wholeheartedly thrown their support to the candidacy of Anna Eskamani for Florida House District 47. Anna has been a long time friend of the CWA and has demonstrated that she shares our concerns, and our hopes, for a better future. She has the tenacity and determination to fight for the rights of working class Floridians and to push forward in the struggle to provide better jobs, better schools, safer communities, and economic and social justice for the good people of Central Florida.”
“Flippable mobilizes the grassroots to flip the state seats that matter most. We have been endorsed as one of their 100 targeted races in the country.“
“Anna V. Eskamani for Florida House 47 has been endorsed for her steadfast commitment to real progressive change by Orlando for Revolution, OurRev305, and Our Revolution Puerto Rico.”
“By your interest in our organization, your willingness to learn about veteran issues, and your affirmation that you will work for the benefit of veterans upon your election, you have shown yourself to be a true friend of veterans.”
“In Florida, SEIU represents over 55,000 retired and active members who provide vital services to communities across Florida in the healthcare, public and property service sectors. As a working class daughter of immigrants, Anna knows what it’s like to grow up with starvation wages, not knowing if bills will paid on time. Workers are the backbone of our country, and we envision a world where workers, business owners, managers, and entrepreneurs can each achieve the American dream, and contribute to a diversified economy.”
“People For the American Way’s Next Up Victory Fund is proud to endorse Anna Eskamani for the Florida House of Representatives. Anna has shown that she’s a fighter for the families of her district and for the basic values that make our democracy work. She’s put forward a clear vision about how Florida can help make sure that all people have an equal chance to succeed, including access to good jobs, quality education and essential health care. Anna Eskamani is working for a fairer, stronger, more just Florida, and we look forward to helping her win election in November.“
“You have been a strong supporter of reproductive health and we know you will continue to be a dedicated advocate.“
“We are proud to endorse Anna Eskamani for House District 47, a former College Democrat member who helped rebuild our organization in 2010. We are proud to endorse Anna for her tireless efforts for healthcare, women’s rights and LGBTQ rights. Anna recently received an endorsement from former candidate for President, Governor Martin O’Malley and was featured on the TIME magazine cover ‘The Avengers.’ Eskamani is young, motivated and ready to bring much needed progressive change to Florida. “
“FEA has chosen to endorse the candidacy of Anna V. Eskamani for the office of Florida House District 47. This endorsement is a recognition of Anna’s advocacy for teachers and support professionals, as well as her support for neighborhood public schools in Florida.“
“A daughter of immigrants from Iran, Anna’s life story epitomizes American principles and values of hard work, perseverance, equality, and commitment to family. A proven leader and advocate, she has worked tirelessly to help people in her community. We have full confidence that Anna’s passion for public service, commitment to understanding the issues, and finding common ground will get results for the state of Florida. As an organization that encourages Iranian Americans to actively participate in the democratic process and to give back to America as it has given to us, we are extremely proud to endorse Anna Eskamani for Florida House District 47.“
Anna V. Eskamani was named a “2018 Champion” by the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, which recognizes candidates from around the country who are fighting for progressive priorities and looking out for the needs of everyday families. “We’re proud to support Anna as she turns big ideas into action for working families.”
“Anna Eskamani is running a strong campaign with a bold progressive vision. An Orlando native, she has a long history of fighting for all Floridians. She believes that health care is a right, not a privilege, and she will be a fierce advocate for expanding affordable access to health care for everyone, especially women. … Not only could we flip the seat, we could fill it with an unabashed progressive who has been an active MoveOn member for years and who will work to increase access to education, to ensure equal pay for equal work, and to make sure that all our communities are represented and have a voice in the political process.”
“Anna understands the struggles so many working families in Florida are facing, because she grew up facing those same struggles every day. She has devoted her life to lifting up working people, supporting struggling families, and holding politicians accountable to their constituents. Anna has proven herself to be a strong progressive who gets things done, and we will do our part to make sure she wins in November.”
“We are excited that Anna Eskamani is running to represent our community in Tallahassee. We strongly support her candidacy, with confidence that she will bring the values, intelligence, energy, and integrity which is so needed in our government today. Anna is working energetically to present herself and her ideas, and we are confident that others will share our enthusiasm as they meet and hear her.”
“Anna has shown a willingness to stand up for firefighter’s issues and the challenges we face as first responders. Anna will bring a fresh, new perspective to the Florida House that we believe will positively shape Orlando’s future for years to come. The Orlando Professional Firefighters are proud to call her our friend and endorse her candidacy for Florida House District 47.”
“Anna has the skills and temperament to be an outstanding legislator. Her compassion for people and her thoughtful and intelligent nature will make her someone to be proud of. I am happy to support Anna because I know she will keep all Floridians a priority.”
“Anna is a dedicated member of her community, and she is committed to fight for those she hopes to serve. We are excited to support her on her mission to move Florida forward.”
“Working men and women in Central Florida need a champion representing their interests in Tallahassee. The Central Florida AFL-CIO has unanimously endorsed Anna Eskamani for Florida House District 47 because she is the champion we need. Anna shares our values and vision for a better future: better jobs, safe neighborhoods, livable wages, and a thriving Florida. She has shown time and time again that she is on the right side of working peoples’ issues. We are proud to support her campaign and will do everything in our power to ensure she wins next November,” said Eric Clinton, President of the Central Florida AFL-CIO
“Anna has the skills and temperament to be an outstanding legislator. Her compassion for people and her thoughtful and intelligent nature will make her someone to be proud of. I am happy to support Anna because I know she will keep all Floridians a priority.”
“The citizens of Florida would be well-served to have someone as honest and compassionate as Anna representing their interests in Tallahassee.”
“Anna Eskamani has been a champion of the people for many years, by being a fierce defender of reproductive justice, women’s rights, equality for all as well as many other progressive issues which put people first. Anna is and will continue to be a Progressive warrior – she is exactly the type of candidate that we need representing us in Tallahassee!”
“I’m proud to endorse my friend Anna Eskamani for House District 47. I’ve had the pleasure of calling her a professional colleague for several years and have seen first hand her willingness to roll-up her sleeves and dive into difficult issues related to women’s rights and access to affordable, quality health care. Her worth ethic and tenacity is inspiring. She is exactly the kind of high-quality, hard working leader we need in the Florida House.”
Our first Florida House Democratic endorsements!

State Rep. Robert Asencio (D)

State Rep. Lori Berman (D)

State Rep. John Cortes (D)

State Rep. Evan Jenne (D)

State Rep. Shevrin Jones (D)

State Rep. Amy Mercado (D)

State Rep. Sean Shaw (D)

State Rep. Emily Slosberg (D)

State Rep. Carlos G. Smith (D)