ORLANDO, FL — Today, Representative Dr. Anna V. Eskamani released the following statement in response to the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit upholding a key part of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act, which prohibits the purchase of firearms by individuals under the age of 21:
“Today’s ruling is a victory for common-sense gun safety and for the families of Parkland who fought tirelessly to pass these reforms. The court affirmed what we have long known—limiting access to firearms for those under 21 is both constitutional and necessary to protect our communities. The NRA’s relentless attempts to dismantle basic gun safety laws put profits over people, but today, common sense prevailed. Let this serve as a reminder that we must remain vigilant in defending and strengthening gun violence prevention measures. As we honor the lives lost at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and across our state, we recommit to the fight for policies that prioritize public safety over the interests of the gun lobby. Florida lawmakers must focus on protecting Floridians, not rolling back life-saving laws.”
We encourage press partners to keep this decision in mind as the Legislature considers HB 759 which would repeal the prohibition on under 21 firearm purchases. Proponents of the bill have argued the 5th Circuit’s rejection of age restrictions made the MSD Act unconstitutional. That argument has now been rejected by our own circuit court.