This event will take place in partnership with community advocates and policy experts
Eatonville, FL – Each year, State House Representative Dr. Anna V. Eskamani joins community advocates to host in-person “Policy to the People” town halls, providing legislative updates and addressing local concerns. These events have created a space for meaningful discussions on policy priorities and connect constituents more directly with their state government. This year, Rep. Eskamani will continue the tradition with a follow-up event in Eatonville on Thursday, February 27th, from 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM alongside Genesis Robinson of Equal Ground, Asheena Moses of Florida Impact to End Hunger, and Tachana Joseph-Marc of Florida Policy Institute. The event will feature policy experts, discussions on the latest updates from the upcoming Florida Legislative Session, and an exploration of how local policies impact our community.
Established in 1887, Eatonville is the oldest Black-incorporated municipality in the United States. Representative Eskamani is proud to serve the Historic Town of Eatonville in the Florida legislature.
This event will be livestreamed on Facebook Live at
- WHAT: Policy to the People Town Hall
- WHEN: Thursday, February 27th from 5:30pm – 7:00pm
- WHERE: Eatonville, FL (Please RSVP to receive the exact address!)
- WHO: Representative Dr. Anna V. Eskamani, Genesis Robinson of Equal Ground, Tachana Joseph-Marc of Florida Policy Institute, Asheena Moses of Florida Impact to End Hunger, and more!