Orlando, FL: The June 24, 2022 ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization sparked legislative action, protest, and numerous lawsuits — placing the issue of abortion access at the center of politics across the country. Abortion is now banned at all stages of pregnancy, with limited exceptions, in 14 Republican-controlled states. In three other states, including Florida, access is banned after about the first six weeks, which is before many know they are pregnant. Most Democratic-led states have taken actions to protect abortion rights and become sanctuaries for out-of-state patients seeking care. 

The end of Roe changed the landscape of abortion access, creating logistical and financial barriers for many in conservative states. But it has not reduced the overall number of procedures done each month across the U.S. Despite the disastrous impact of this Supreme Court decision, support for abortion access is on the rise. Generally, abortion rights expand when voters are deciding. In the seven statewide abortion policy-related votes since 2022, voters have sided with abortion rights advocates in every case. A new Navigator poll also shows that two in three Americans believe the right to an abortion is at risk and say they could not support an elected official who supports a nationwide abortion ban.

Representative Anna V. Eskamani worked at Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida for nearly 7 years before running for office and was a Planned Parenthood patient before then.

Below is her statement in response to this two-year mark:

It’s still hard to believe that across the United States, we have regressed when it comes to women’s rights and reproductive freedom. Florida is one example of this; since the fall of Roe, we have seen extremist politicians put into place a near-total abortion ban, impacting thousands of patients across our state and the Southeast.

As difficult as this reality is, we are fighting back. Whether it’s supporting abortion fundsvolunteering at health centers, or helping to codify reproductive freedom this November  — Floridians from across the state are committed to fighting for abortion access and the freedom to make our own decisions about when or if to start or grow our family. I firmly believe that someone’s ability to get the care they need should never depend on who they are, where they live, or how much they earn. Let’s continue to organize in our communities, support organizations that help people get abortion care, share our stories, support Floridians Protecting Freedom, and demand that our lawmakers protect access to care so that we can make our own decisions about our lives and our futures.

As supporters of abortion access, we cannot forget that we are the majority, and we aren’t going anywhere.