Orlando, FL: After days of backlash and after FDEP tried to defend these terrible proposals to pave over our state parks, Governor DeSantis now says it’s time to “go back to the drawing board” with these awful proposals.
Below is Representative Anna V. Eskamani’s statement in response:
“Advocacy works —and in typical Governor Ron DeSantis fashion, he blames people around him versus taking responsibility for a series of terrible plans that his administration stated were submitted in ‘good faith.’ Without the united backlash across party lines against these awful proposals, I highly doubt Governor DeSantis would have done anything to stop them. I am grateful to the grassroots organizations and to everyday people who organized and protested against these terrible proposals. I also demand answers so that we can learn who these obscure groups that submitted these plans are and where their money comes from. These answers are critical to preventing something like this from happening again.