Orlando, FL: Today the Florida State Supreme Court denied a petition requested by the Yes On 4 Campaign to review political bias language that will be on the ballot as the “fiscal impact statement” designed by Florida Republicans to confuse voters. Here is Representative Eskamani’s statement in response. 

“Amendment 4 is about ending Florida’s extreme abortion ban, which outlaws abortion before many women even realize they are pregnant. Today’s Florida State Supreme Court decision reflects how extreme our state government has become. You have a super-majority Republican state legislature committed to stripping us away of our bodily autonomy by passing a near-total abortion ban, a Governor who signed it into law, bureaucrats who politicized the Financial Impact Estimating Conference, and now a State Supreme Court who signed off on all of it. 

Despite these obstacles, we know that the majority of Floridians support reproductive freedom. Floridians overwhelmingly agree that politicians should stay out of the exam room and that decisions about one’s pregnancy are personal and private and should be left between a patient, their family, their doctor, and their faith. 

It’s important to remember that this decision by the Supreme Court does NOT impact the actual effect of the ballot amendment, which will restore reproductive freedom here in the Sunshine State. I know Florida voters will see through this politically desperate attempt to mislead them and will vote Yes on 4.”