Orlando, FL: This weekend, Representative Anna V. Eskamani walked the commencement stage at the University of Central Florida (UCF) as she completed her doctoral program in Public Affairs, focusing on Public Administration. Her dissertation, which she successfully defended in June of this year, is titled Connecting in Crisis: Exploring Online Informal Communications in Florida’s Unemployment Struggle. 

Representative Eskamani started her PhD program at UCF in Fall of 2016, prior to her decision to run for public office. Completing the program proved to be very challenging for Eskamani. This was due to her busy political schedule and public service, alongside the impact of the COVID19 pandemic. During this time, Representative Eskamani took time away from her studies to focus on serving her community and returned to the program about two years ago. This required her to retake the GRE and reapply to UCF; it was not an easy process, but it made completing her degree even more special.

As stated during the commencement ceremony, PhD stands for Doctor of Philosophy and is considered the highest postgraduate achievement a person can earn. To complete a doctorate, you must not only engage in coursework but also produce and defend significant and original research. It allows students to develop critical knowledge and understanding of a particular research area, strengthening their ability to problem-solve, theorize, and collaborate with others. While on stage, Representative Eskamani was also recognized for her past achievement as an Order of Pegasus graduate.

“Completing my PhD program is incredibly meaningful to me,” added Representative Eskamani. “As a daughter of immigrants, my family has always instilled in me the importance of education, and as a family of UCF Knights, graduating one last time from my hometown university brings me so much pride and joy. I am excited for what will come next.”

Representative Eskamani shared more about how meaningful this graduation is to her and her family here.
