Dear Friend,

I just watched the Presidential debate, and as I process what took place on that debate stage, I feel an even deeper sense of urgency to get out the vote this August and November for myself and other down-ballot races.

Here’s why.

Data repeatedly tells us that investing in and getting out the vote for hyper-local candidates and issues helps top-of-the-ticket races succeed, too.

I know it feels counterintuitive. But when we knock on someone’s door and meet a community member face-to-face, solve local problems, and build relationships with our constituents, we build collective efficacy.

That efficacy leads to a level of civic engagement that can and will exceed turnout for the top-of-ticket races. 

So, instead of stressing about this election cycle, get involved with Team Anna! You can learn more about ways to take action with us via this link.

I also invite you to make a donation to our re-election campaign, and/or to our voter registration program People Power for Florida. In both of these cases the dollars raised goes directly to our field and communication programs to get out the vote right here in the Sunshine State.

Onward for a brighter state and more unified nation. 

Rep. Anna V. Eskamani