Orlando, FL: Today, Governor Ron DeSantis signed Florida’s 2024-25 budget and, in doing so, issued line-item vetos. His veto included eliminating Florida’s Cultural and Museum Grants and Cultural Facilities Grants, totaling $32,000,000 that would have gone to well-vetted nonprofit organizations in the Sunshine State. Below is Representative Eskamani’ statement in response:
“I am deeply disappointed by Governor DeSantis’ decision to veto more than $32,000,000 allocated for Florida’s Cultural and Museum Grants and Cultural Facilities Grants. These funds were set to support well-vetted nonprofit organizations that play a crucial role in enriching our community and preserving our cultural heritage. Investing in arts and culture is a powerful economic generator. The arts sector creates jobs, stimulates tourism, and enhances the quality of life for all Floridians. Cutting this funding undermines the economic vitality of our state and disregards the significant contributions of our cultural institutions. We must recognize and support the invaluable impact of arts and culture on our economy and our society. I urge the legislature to fully fund these programs next session and ask that community members step up to fill these funding gaps created by Governor DeSantis. 