Dear Friend,

On May 1st Florida’s 6 week abortion ban will go into effect. This is by far one of the most extreme abortion bans in the nation, and will impact not just Floridians but thousands of abortion seekers who have traveled to our state for care.

Below is a breakdown of what patients will have to go through when trying to access an abortion in Florida.

Of course, this is assuming that someone even realizes they are pregnant before 6 weeks — this alone is nearly impossible. As a result, thousands of people will have to travel out of state for abortion, others will be forced to give birth, while some may turn to unsafe means to end their pregnancy.

We’re fighting back, and hard. 

First: I want encourage you to donate to a local abortion fund. You can find a list of Florida abortion funds via this link.

It is also important to keep pregnancy tests and emergency contraception on hand. There are also websites like and that can help someone identify their options for abortion. provides information on trying to access abortion pills online.

If you or someone you love are planning a pregnancy, communicate to your doctor to better understand how the ban may impact you and your health.

Finally: support the Yes On Four Campaign and help to codify abortion rights in Florida. This truly will be the only way that we can restore our freedoms. Click here to learn more.


Rep. Anna V. Eskamani