Dear Friend,

Last night it was announced that Florida will not allow public school students to take Advanced Placement psychology because the course includes lessons on sexual orientation and gender identity, topics banned by the state, but necessary and relevant when it comes to college level psychology courses.

As a result, thousands of public high school students ready to take this college level course and achieve college credit for it will now be forbidden from doing so.

This is another example of Governor Ron DeSantis and his cronies dumbing down our state for a politically motivated agenda that is steeped in anti-LGBTQ+ fervor. I’m old enough to remember when Republicans said the Don’t Say Gay/Trans law would only apply to third grade — as expected, they lied.

A lot of parents, students, and teachers have asked how can we fight back?

Well my first reaction is to please make sure you are ready and registered to vote next year. Elections have consequences and nothing will change in Florida unless we come out to vote. Click here to get registered and to renew your Vote By Mail (VBM) ballot request too.

Also: contact the Commissioner of Education Manny Diaz, and tell him you oppose the state effectively banning AP Psychology. Email him at or call at 850-245-0505.

As someone who grew up in Florida and went to public schools I know just how important these Advanced Placement classes are. I invite you to join us for our August 22nd education town hall where we’ll be talking about this issue and more. Learn more here.


Rep. Anna V. Eskamani