Democratic candidate for Florida House District 47 Anna V. Eskamani has received the endorsement of Senator Bernie Sanders.
On Friday Senator Bernie Sanders stumped for gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum at the University of Central Florida. During his opening remarks he gave several local candidates — including Anna V. Eskamani — a shout out. The following Sunday, he formally endorsed these candidates through a tweet:
“I’m proud to be supporting 9 incredible candidates running for office in Florida. Early voting has begun so let’s get out the vote to transform Florida from the bottom on up!” -Senator Bernie Sanders
Anna had the following statement in response: “Thank you Senator Bernie Sanders for your support of our campaign and movement. We envision a Florida where every person — no matter who they love, how much money they make, where they live, or who they worship — can live life to its fullest potential. I feel confident that with our victory in November, we’ll be able to build that state together.”
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More About Anna
Anna V. Eskamani is an Orlando native and daughter of immigrants who has worked relentlessly her entire life to protect all members of our community through effective advocacy, bold leadership, and strategic management. A community organizer with a proven track record in building consensus while fighting unapologetically for progressive values, for the last six years Anna served as the Senior Director of Public Affairs and Communications for Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida. She managed a team of six across 22 counties and is known in the legislature and across the nation as an advocate for women’s health and equality. Anna is also a PhD student in Public Affairs at the University of Central Florida and serves as an Adjunct Professor teaching Intro to Women’s Studies. Tough, authentic and unafraid, Anna is a progressive who has proven herself as a leader who works hard, delivers results, and gets things done.
Anna has earned the endorsement of over 60 community leaders and organizations, including an early endorsement from Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer. She was also one of the 48 women featured on the cover of Time magazine. When elected, Anna will be the first Iranian-American to serve in the Florida legislature.