Dear Friend,

I got home from Washington DC late last night, after serving on a panel at the National Press Club on the power of the #MeToo movement in the 2018 elections.

The event was hosted by People for the American Way, and I shared space alongside three other Democratic women candidates from across the country, each with our own personal stories of sexual assault and harassment.

It was a honor to represent Florida, and you can read more about our conversation at NBC, ABCRewire, PBS News Hour, or Bustle.

Every 98 seconds an American is sexually assaulted and that is purely based on what we know. Sexual harassment and assault often go unreported, and as a result generations of survivors have been forced to adapt to their uncomfortable work, social, and personal environments.

Those days are over, especially when you elect people like me.

We envision a world where women, girls, and families can live a life in peace, and we’re building that world together through our campaign.
